
All suites are equipped with excellent Russian billiard tables


All suites are equipped with excellent Russian billiard tables

The tables range in size from nine to twelve feet, but their quality is consistently tournament-grade. Some things are worth paying special attention to - these things are unique.

The experience of the old masters of Russian billiard business and sketches by A. A. Zhuravlev, who revived the legendary Amber Room, are used in the creation of a full-size table for the Russian Pyramid in the Europe Suite. Karelian birch, amber and mahogany - exquisitely carved finish repeats the authentic details of the palace furniture of the XVIII century. The table bases are hand-cast, decorated with chasing and covered with gold in the restoration workshops of St. Petersburg.

Special, collectible billiard cues made by special order of the Club bear the branding of the famous Russian master Andrey Bolshakov. This is what Yuri Paschinsky, multiple Russian champion, two-time European champion, world champion, said about him during his lifetime: "Each of his cues is his little child, to whom he gives all the warmth of his soul and long hours of work. When rare, insanely beautiful and high-quality woods are so naturally combined in a single cue made to individual order, its owner becomes the owner of an exclusive and unique instrument. Even I, a friend of Bolshakov's, have to queue for a month or even two to order his work."

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